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李国泰, 张晓林 |
浏览次数 3863
(重庆大学 体育学院,重庆400044) 摘要:采用美国耶鲁大学心理学家Sternberg编制的教师教学风格量表(TSTI),对242名高校体育教师的教学风格进行了专项调查。结果表明:(1)体育专业教师的教学风格以激进型、立法型、评判型和执行型4种为主;(2)相对于教龄较短的教师,教龄在20年以上的教师教学风格更加倾向于保守型;(3)1~4年教龄教师中高效能教师的比例远低于5年以上教龄的教师;(4)相对于体育专业理论课教师,术科课教师更加倾向于执行型教学风格。 关键词:教学风格; 教学效能; 川渝; 体育教师 中图分类号:G8074文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)04-0092-03 |
A survey and analysis of the teaching style of teachers in physical education departments in colleges and universities in Sichuan and Chongqing LI Guotai, ZHANG Xiaolin |
(College of Physical Education,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China) Abstract:By using the Teaching Style Test Indexes (TSTI) established by Stemberg,a psychologist in Yale University in the United States,the authors carried out a dedicated survey on the teaching style of 242 teachers in physical education departments in colleges and universities,and revealed the following findings:(1)the teaching style of teachers in physical education specialty mainly includes 4 types,namely,aggressive teaching style,legislative teaching style,critical teaching style and executive teaching style;(2)compared to teachers with younger teaching age,teachers with more than 20 years of teaching age are more prone to having a conservative teaching style;(3)In teachers with 1-4 years of teaching age,the proportion of high efficiency teachers is far lower than that of teachers with more than 5 years of teaching age;(4)compared to teachers teaching specialized theoretical classes of physical education,teachers teaching skill classes are more prone to having an executive teaching style. Key words:teaching style; teaching efficiency; Sichuan and Chongqing; physical education teacher |
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