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张小林, 李培雄, 龙佩林 |
浏览次数 3524
(吉首大学 体育科学学院,湖南 吉首416000) 摘要:“绿色奥运”的核心和本质是构建人与自然和谐发展的生态文明,是体育与自然生态的共生与双赢。大型体育赛事由于其规模大、涉及面广而成为一项复杂的社会系统工程。在2008年北京“绿色奥运”理念下,探讨和借鉴“绿色奥运”模式构建我国大型体育赛事的绿色调控体系将具有重要意义。我国大型体育赛事绿色调控体系的构建主要应包括:大型体育赛事的绿色规划与管理;大型体育赛事绿色供应链与绿色物流的组织;市场经营开发中突出“绿色”形象,塑造“绿色”品牌;引入ISO14000环境管理体系,进行赛事绿色成本与效益控制。 关键词:绿色奥运; 体育赛事; 绿色管理; 绿色物流 中图分类号:G80-05文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)06-0009-04 |
Establishing a green regulating system for big sports events held in China under the ZHANG Xiaolin, LI Peixiong, LONG Peilin |
(College of Physical Education,Jishou University,Jishou 416000,China) Abstract:The core and essence of “Green Olympics” is to establish the ecological civilization for harmonious development of mankind and nature, and to promote coexistence and joint development of sport and ecology. A big sport event is a complicated social system project due to its large scale and wide scope.Under the background of the “Green Olympics” conception established for Beijing Olympic Games 2008 being widely accepted,it will have a significant meaning to establish a green regulating system for big sports events held in China by probing into and referring to the “Green Olympics” mode.The establishment of a green regulating system for big sports events held in China should mainly include the followings: Green planning and management of big sports events; green supply chains and green logistic organization for big sports events; “green” images highlighted in marketing; building “green” brands; introducing ISO14000 environmental control system; carrying out green cost and effect control for the events Key words:Green Olympics; sports event; green management; green logistics |
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