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李春霞, 彭兆荣 |
浏览次数 3314
(四川大学 文学与新闻学院,四川 成都610064) 摘要:电视(大众传媒的代表)在全球范围将奥运仪式分类有序地展现,促成了奥运的“去仪式化”;而奥运作为仪式性的媒介事件,从传播内容方面促成了大众传播的仪式性,从传播形式方面促成了大众传播仪式的再次仪式化(奥运在大众传播这种日常仪式中再次形成了阈限期,即仪式状态),从而促成受众的连续收视行为,特别是奥运期间的超常规收视行为,强化其仪式功能——使受众拥有共享信仰而获得的满足和安全感。奥运和电视形成了良性的互动和双赢关系。同时,奥运和媒体的这种共谋直接导致了第三种客观结果:奥运的“去仪式化”,即仪式和群众场面——民族国家组织场景之间的转化,歌颂、强化了民族国家的整体感以及分类权力的秩序。 关键词:奥运仪式; 大众传播仪式; 民族国家; 分类权力 中图分类号:G80;G81121文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)06-0021-04
An analysis of the ritual nature of the relationship between Olympics and mass media LI Chunxia, PENG Zhaorong |
(School of Literature and News,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610064,China) Abstract:The sorted and orderly worldwide presentation of Olympic ritual by TV (the representative of mass media) has promoted the “de-ritualization” of Olympics,while Olympics as a ritual media event has promoted the ritualization of mass media in terms of communication contents,and has promoted the re-ritualization of mass communication in terms of communication form (again Olympics forms a threshold period in such a routine ritual as mass media,i.e. ritual status),thus promoting the continuous watching behavior of the acceptors,especially the unconventional watching behavior during Olympic Games, and intensifying its ritual function-to let the acceptors have the satisfaction and sense of security as a result of having shared faith. Olympics and TV have formed a favorable interaction and a win-win relationship. In the mean time, such a conspiracy between Olympics and the media has directly resulted in the third objective result: The “de-ritualization” of Olympics, i.e. the transformation between the ritual and mass scenes (of national/state organizations) has intensified the overall sense of a nation/country as well as the order of sorted power. Key words:Olympic ritual; mass media ritual; nation/state; sorted power |
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