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张宗豪, 王文军, 陈根福 |
浏览次数 3845
(苏州大学 体育学院,江苏 苏州215021) 摘要:介绍了日本的健康促进运动,着重论述了在老龄化背景下健康促进运动增进高龄人群健康的政策措施。并结合我国实际论证了健康促进运动的借鉴意义。 关键词:老龄化社会; 健康促进运动; 高龄人群; 日本 中图分类号:G8043文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)06-0040-03 |
The enlightenment of the Japanese health promotion movement on China ZHANG Zonghao, WANG Wenjun, CHEN Genfu |
(College of Physical Education,Soochow University,Suzhou 215021,China) Abstract:The authors introduced the Japanese health promotion movement,mainly expatiated on policies for boosting the health of the aged under the background of population aging,and by combining with the reality in China demonstrated the significance of referring to such a health promotion movement. Key words:aging society; health promotion movement; the aged; Japan |
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