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王家宏1, 周英2, 陶玉流1 |
浏览次数 3553
(1.苏州大学 体育学院,江苏 苏州215021; 2.金陵科技学院 体育部,江苏 南京210001) 摘要:对上海体育学院等6所体育院校体育教育训练学硕士点课程设置情况进行调查分析。各体育院校体育教育训练学专业硕士点的课程设置与学时、学分的分配情况比较悬殊,课时上下相差150,学分相差10。外语占公共必修课时的1/2,但效果不理想。学生的计算机应用技术有待提高,课程设置应加强计算机课程在公共必修课中的比例。在课程设置上存在内容比较单一,课程倾向理论性,缺乏面向体育实践、培养学生实际操作能力等缺点,与社会需求脱节。认为在课程设置上必须合理、科学,才有利于知识的转化。 关键词:体育教育训练学; 硕士研究生; 课程设置 中图分类号:G80701文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)06-0067-04 |
A study of the setup of curriculum for graduate students pursuing a master degree in the major of the science of physical education training in China WANG Jiahong1, ZHOU Ying2, TAO Yuliu1 |
(1.College of Physical Education,Soochow University,Suzhou 215021,China; 2.Department of Physical Education,Jinling Science & Technology College,Nanjing 210001,China) Abstract:The authors surveyed and studied the setup of curriculum for graduate students pursuing a master degree in the major of the science of physical education training in 6 physical education institutes of higher learning, such as Shanghai Physical Education College. There are sharp differences in the allocation of term hours and credit hours in the setup of curriculum for graduate students pursuing a master degree in the major of the science of physical education training between various physical education institutes of higher learning: The difference between the maximum and minimum class hours is 150; the difference between the maximum and minimum credit hours is 10; the class hours for English is half of the class hours for a commonly required course; but the result is not ideal. The students’ skill in computer application is to be enhanced; the proportion of computer courses in the commonly required courses should be increased in the curriculum setup. The following shortcomings exist in the curriculum setup: There is a lack of diversification in the contents; the curriculum tends to have more theoretical courses; there is a lack of such types of courses as for physical education practice and for cultivating student’s actual operating capability,which make the curriculum setup deviate from the need of the society.The authors considered that the curriculum setup must be rational and scientific, so as to facilitate the transformation of knowledge. Key words:science of physical education training; graduate student pursuing a master degree; curriculum setup |
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