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谢芳1, 陈小蓉2 |
浏览次数 4183
(1中南林业科技大学 体育学院,湖南 长沙410005; 2深圳大学 高尔夫学院,广东 深圳518060) 摘要:对中国高尔夫管理专业和美国职业高尔夫管理专业教育状况进行比较研究。研究表明:扎实的经营管理类知识和实用的高尔夫专业知识、高质量的专业实践和高超的球技是保证美国职业高尔夫管理人才培养质量的4个关键因素。而我国沿用传统的学院式人才培养模式,办学软硬件缺乏,课程设置脱离高尔夫产业实际,人才质量难以满足高尔夫企业的实际需求。 关键词:高尔夫管理; 课程设置; 中国; 美国 中图分类号:G8493文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)06-0071-04 |
A comparative study of undergraduate education in golf management major between China and the United States XIE Fang1, CHEN Xiaorong2 |
(1.College of Physical Education,Central South University of Forestry and Technology,Changsha 410005,China;2.Golf College,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,China) Abstract:The authors carried out a comparative study on the situation of education in golf management major in China and in professional golf management major in the United States, and revealed that the 4 key factors in ensuring the quality of cultivation of professional golf management talents in the United States are solid knowledge of business management,practical and effective expertise in golf,high quality professional practice,and superior standard of ball playing techniques.While in China an academic type talent cultivation mode has been used until now;there is a lack of hardware conditions for education management;curriculum setup is divorced from the reality of the golf industry;the quality of talents fails to meet the actual need of golf enterprises. Key words:golf management; curriculum setup; China; United States |
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