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罗智1, 龙国强2 |
浏览次数 3653
(1广州体育学院 社会体育教研室,广东 广州510075; 2中山大学教育学院 体育系,广东 广州510275) 摘要:从指标模型、权重模型与均值模型三维勾画出我国优秀举重运动员的形态模型。结果表明,我国优秀举重运动员各形态指标可分为肌肉质量因子和体型因子两类;权重模型显示出髂宽、髂宽指数和克托莱指数最能反映我国优秀举重运动员的专项形态特征,体现出“倒三角”的体型与发达的肌肉质量符合举重运动员的形态要求。同时,均值模型显示,不同重量级别之间,体型因子各指标的差异不如肌肉质量因子明显。另外,随着重量级别的提高,优秀举重运动员专项形态适合运动员举起更重的杠铃。 关键词:优秀举重运动员; 形态模型; 中国 中图分类号:G884文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)06-0111-04 |
The shape model of excellent weight lifting athletes in China LUO Zhi1,LONG Guoqiang2 |
(1.Section of Social Sports,Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education,Guangzhou 510075,China;2.Department of Physical Education,SUN Yatsen University,Guangzhou 510275,China) Abstract:the authors depicted the shape model of excellent weight lifting athletes in China from the index model, weight model and average value model,and revealed the following findings: Various shape indexes of excellent weight lifting athletes in China can be sorted into two categories,namely,muscle quality factor and figure factor; the weight model indicates that the coxa width, coxa width index and KTL index can reflect the characteristics of the event dedicated shape of excellent weight lifting athletes in China in the best way, showing that a “upside-down triangular” figure and developed muscle quality meet the shape requirement for weight lifting athletes. In the mean time,the average value model indicates that the differences of various indexes in the figure factor between different weigh levels are not as significant as those in the muscle quality factor. Moreover,with the weight level going higher, the event dedicated shape of excellent weight lifting athletes is suitable for the athletes to lift a heavier barbell. Key words:excellent weight lifting athlete; shape model; China |
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