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于素梅 |
浏览次数 3683
(河南大学 体育社会科学研究所,河南 开封 475001) 摘 要:对我国不同性别、年龄、职业等群体的体育旅游经历进行了研究,结果发现:不同社会特征群体参与体育旅游的情况有差异,其中参加体育旅游男性比女性相对较多;随着年龄的增长参与体育旅游的人数呈递减趋势;而随着学历的提高参与体育旅游的人数增多;在所有职业人群中参与人群比例最高的是在国家机关、党群组织、企业、事业单位工作人员,而参与体育旅游比较少的是农民和待业人员;居住在市区、城镇、农村的人群参与体育旅游的人数也呈递减趋势;随着收入水平的提高参与体育旅游的人数越来越多。在对不同群体所参与过的体育旅游项目的调查中发现,参与登山的人群最多,参与滑翔运动的人群最少。 关 键 词:不同群体;体育旅游;休闲体育;中国 中图分类号:G895 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2007)03-0012-04 |
Investigation and analysis of the sports tourism experience of different mass groups in China YU Su-mei |
(Sports and Social Science Research Institute,Henan University,Kaifeng 475001,China) Abstract: The author studied the sports tourism experience of mass groups in China with different gender, age and occupation, and revealed the following findings: There is a certain difference in sports tourism participation between mass groups with different social characteristics, wherein more males than females have participated in sports tourism; with the increase of age, the number of people having participated in sports tourism decreases accordingly, whereas, with the increase of educational level, the number of people having participated in sports tourism increases gradually; among all the mass groups with an occupation, the biggest mass group having participated in sports tourism contains the principals and errand running personnel of state organs, party organizations, enterprises, public institutions; the smallest mass group having participated in sports tourism contains peasants and unemployed people; the number of people having participated in sports tourism decreases in the order of urban area, suburban area and rural area; the higher the income level, the more people having participated in sports tourism; the most popular sports tourism event is mountaineering, while the most unpopular sports tourism event is gliding. This study will provide a helpful reference for the development of sports tourism resources and customer resources. Key words: different mass groups; sport tours;leisure sports;China |
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