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杨国敏 |
浏览次数 36092
(上海体育学院 研究生部,上海200438) 摘要:研究过度训练对生长期大鼠骨生物力学性质的影响。对生长期大鼠采用跳跃训练的方法,建立过度跳跃训练模型。8周后测定大鼠的体重、血红蛋白、血尿素氮和血清睾酮、皮质醇等指标,同时测定其股骨生物力学性质。结果:(1)大鼠过度跳跃训练模型建立成功;(2)大鼠股骨纵轴方向成长受到了明显抑制;(3)大鼠股骨抵抗破坏和变形的能力降低,其脆性增大强度降低。结论:过度跳跃训练使大鼠股骨生物力学性质出现明显下降。 关键词:过度跳跃训练; 大鼠; 股骨; 生物力学性质 中图分类号: G804.68文献标识码: A文章编号:1006-7116(2004)03-0131-04 |
The influence to the biomechanical character of bone of the rat i n growing period after excessively training YANG Guo-min |
(Graduate Department,Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, Shanghai 200438,China) Abstract: The research discussed the influence to bone biomechanical c haracter of the rat in growing period after excessively training.establish excessively training model of through jump training of the rat in growing pe riod.measuring the index include weight, hemoglobin, blood urea nitrogen,and te stosterone,Cortisol of the Rat after 8 weeks and measured the biomechanical cha racter of Femur at the same time.Result:(1) successively establish the rat excessively training model of jumping;(2)the growing of Femur of the rat was obviously restrained in y-axis;(3) ability of resisting destroy and distortion of the Femur of the rat depressed,and its brittleness increased and intensi ty descended.Conclusion:excessively training of jumping make the biomechanical character of femur of rat appearing the obvious descent. Key words:excessively jumping training; rat; femur; bio mechanical character |
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