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王奇峰 |
浏览次数 4074
(佛山科学技术学院 体育部,广东 佛山 528000) 摘 要:以我国体育价值观研究为基础,从社会学视角提出了有待进一步研究的5点思考:在社会转型和经济体制转轨背景下,深入研究体育价值观的变迁;对影响体育价值观的因素进行实证研究;借鉴其他学科价值观的研究,使体育价值观的研究有所突破;开拓体育价值观体系及主导体育价值观的研究;社会分层是体育价值观研究的一个新视角。 关 键 词:体育社会学;体育价值观;社会分层;中国 中图分类号:G80 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2007)05-0010-04 |
A few thoughts about the researches on the Chinese view of sports value WANG Qi-feng |
(Department of Physical Education,Foshan Institute of Science and Technology,Foshan 528000,China) Abstract: Based on his overview of the researches on the Chinese view of sports value, the author put forwarding 5 thoughts for further study from the perspective of sociology: The change of the view of sports value should be fur-ther studied under the background of social transition and economic system shunt; empirical researches should be made on the factors that affect the view of sport value; researches on the view of other subject value should be re-ferred to in order to make breakthroughs in the researches on the view of sports value; the system of the view of sports value should be expanded, and the researches on the view of sports value should be guided; social stratifica-tion is a new perspective for the researches on the view of sports value. Key words:sports sociology;view of sports value;social stratification;China |
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