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孙 威 |
浏览次数 3768
(吉林化工学院 体育部,吉林 吉林 132022) 摘 要:奥林匹克运动是体育科学与体育人文融合的文化,奥林匹克文化和人的自由是科学体育与人文体育和谐发展的核心;奥林匹克运动正在从人类科学发展的工具——夺标与健康的功利化追求,转变为对奥林匹克文化——精神、制度、人的实质自由的追问;在体育过程中不断扩展体育个体的实质自由是复兴科学与人文和谐发展的奥林匹克文化的基础。 关 键 词:和谐体育;科学与人文;奥林匹克文化 中图分类号:G80 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2007)05-0024-05
Establishing science and humanity fused harmonious sport——Revitalizing the Olympic culture SUN Wei |
(Department of Physical Education,Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology,Jilin 132022,Cina) Abstract:Olympic movement is a culture in which sports science and sports humanity are fused into one, and the Olympic culture and human freedom are the core of the harmonious development of scientific sport and humanistic sport; Olympic movement is changing from the benefit motivated pursuit of the tool for the development of anthro-pology – winning medals and health, into the quest for the Olympic culture – spirit, system and essential human freedom; developing the essential freedom of sports individuals in the process of sport development is the founda-tion for revitalizing the Olympic culture in which science and humanity develop harmoniously. Key words: harmonious sport;science and humanity;Olympic culture |
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