(1.Deparment of Leisure Sport and the Management;3.Department of Sport News and Communication,Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education,Guangzhou 510500,China;2. Department of Sport Sociology,Shanghai Sports University,Shanghai 200438,China) Abstract: By means of literature data, expert interview and on-site investigation, the authors probed into the sports journal market in Germany in order to provide a reference for the healthy development of the sports journal market in China, and revealed the following findings: The usage of the phrase “sports journal” by the German is not uni-fied; there is a difference in the classification method and statistical scope of sports journals between the official sta-tistical channel and commercial statistical database in Germany; German sports journals show such characteristics as diversified varieties and readers, ever increasingly intense competition, and intensified degree of centralization; the factors that affect the sports journal market in Germany include German economic condition, resident’s demand for consumption, German periodical industry management system, German football culture, etc. Key words: sports journal;current state of the market;Germany |