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郑双喜 |
浏览次数 3878
(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510631) 摘 要:2006年8月11~17日召开的广东省第七届大学生运动会,甲组的整体竞技水平与上一届基本接近,乙组的整体水平却明显提高,涌现出一大批达到一级标准的运动员,有的甚至接近或达到健将级标准,说明高校完全有能力培养高水平运动员。但由于竞赛规程对运动员资格审查不完善,出现专业与业余运动员同场竞技的不合理情况,严重挫伤了运动员的积极性。建议今后要对运动员的资格作出严格的规定及审查制度,使比赛更符合公平竞争的原则。 关 键 词:田径;广东省大学生运动会;运动员资格审查 中图分类号:G812.21 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2007)05-0115-03 |
Track and field competition in the 7th University Games of Guangdong Province ZHENG Shuang-xi |
(College of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China) Abstract: In the 7th University Games of Guangdong Province launched between August 11 and 17 in 2006, the overall competitive performance of group A was basically close to that in the previous games, while the overall per-formance of group B was significantly enhanced, and a great number of class one standard meeting athletes ap-peared, some of them had even got close to or met the standard for a master sportsman, which indicates that insti-tutes of higher learning are fully capable of cultivating high level athletes. However, due to the imperfect examina-tion of athlete qualification by the competition rules, such an irrational scene as professional and amateur athletes being competing on the same court appeared, which seriously damaged the initiatives of the athletes. The author suggested that the qualification of the athletes be strictly specified, so that the competition will be in conformity with the principle of fair competition. Key words: track and field;University Games of Guangdong Province;examination of athlete qualification |
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