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彭文革 |
浏览次数 36514
(广东商学院 体育部,广东 广州 510320) 摘要:国外的体育休闲娱乐早已进入专业教育阵地,有许多高等院校都设置了与体育休闲娱乐相关的专业,其学科体系相当完备,就业市场十分广阔;而我国的体育休闲娱乐专业尚处于起步阶段,仅有少数几所院校开设了运动休闲或体育旅游管理专业。我国社会体育专业和旅游管理专业应积极学习发达国家和地区的先进经验,调整专业设置重点,加强休闲与娱乐管理类课程,拓展专业范畴,促使我国体育休闲娱乐专业人才的培养符合时代的发展潮流。关键词:体育休闲娱乐; 社会体育; 旅游管理 中图分类号:G811.4 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2004)04-0027-03 |
The cultivation of professional person on physical leisure & recr eation in domestic and overseas universities and colleges PENG Wen-ge |
(Department of Physical Education,Guangdong Commercial College, Guangzhou 510320,China) Abstract: The foreignal physical leisure & recreation education tu rned into professional field,a lot of universities and colleges set up many spe cialties relating to physical leisure,recreation.The structure of subject is c omprehensive.The market of employment is extensive.In contrast, the cultivatio n of professionals on physical leisure,recreation specialty in our country is s till in beginning period.Sports leisure or physical tour management specialty b e set up in a few several universities.Then suggest that our existing physical l eisure, recreation specialty should use the foreign advanced experience and adju st the emphasis of subject.Enhance the courses of leisure & recreation manageme nt,extend scope of specialty,lead the cultivation of physical leisure,recreation & travel specialty in our country to meet the trend of world development. Key words:physical leisure & recreation; social physical educa tion; tour management |
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