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孙 玮 |
浏览次数 3473
(吉林体育学院,吉林 长春 130022) 摘 要:当今我国竞技运动异化现象有深刻的“生命异化”背景。对此有三个方面值得剖析:一是人具有双重生命本质,而非单一的生命轮回,是“类生命”对“种生命”的超越;二是竞技运动中群体本位意识严重,遏制了人的个性发展;三是竞技运动中完善“硬约束”的同时,应建立与之相适应的“软约束”。在社会转型时期,要解决竞技异化问题,必须从人的“生命本质”入手,而教育是人在竞技运动中实现生命跃迁的桥梁。 关 键 词:竞技运动;种生命;类生命;育人夺标 中图分类号:G80 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2007)08-0020-04 |
The view of life of human beings in competitive sport SUN Wei |
(Jilin Institute of Physical Education,Changchun 130022,China) Abstract: The phenomenon of competitive sports dissimilation in China today has a profound background of “life dissimilation”,for which the three aspects below are worthy of dissection:1)human beings are characterized with the double life nature, not homogeneous life reincarnation, but the surpassing of “specific life” over “generic life”; 2)the awareness of group position is serious in competitive sport, which contains the development of personality of hu-man beings; 3)while “hard restrictions” are being perfected in competitive sport, corresponding “soft restrictions” should be established. To solve the problem of competitive dissimilation in the social transition period, we must start at focusing on “life nature”, whereas education is the bridge for human beings to fulfill life quantum leaps in com-petitive sport. Key words: competitive sports;specific life;generic life;cultivate human beings to excellence |
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