(1.School of Business,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China; 2.School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China;3.Guangzhou Institute of Technology,Trade and Occupation,Guangzhou 511442,China)Abstract: The reason for the government to intervene in competitive sports lies with the positive externality and public product characteristics of some competitive sports. Factors affecting the transition of the competitive sports function of the Guangzhou government include such favorable factors as developed economy, strong sports con-sciousness, and regional culture of daring to be a pioneer, as well as obstructive factors such as lagged development of nongovernmental competitive sports organizations, obstruction of vested interest groups, and strong official standard consciousness. The authors pointed out that the government should, based on the principle of intervention under the precondition that normal market mechanism running behaviors are not harmed, strengthen the govern-ment’s macro regulation function, weaken the government’s micro management function, enhance the government’s market supervision function, and realize the goal for functional transition into an efficient and servicing government, by taking such measures as improving the competitive sports supply system, realizing the diversification of the main body of competitive sports service supply, defining and protecting competitive sports property rights, establishing complete laws and legislations, transiting or changing governmental functions and power exercising manners. Key words: competitive sport;governmental function;function transition;Guangzhou