(School of Physical Education,Nanchang Hangkong University,Nanchang 330063,China) Abstract: The author put forward the following opinions: civilian sport refers to non-official sports activities de-veloped among the masses; it is not provided with the characteristic of being passed on and continued generation by generation, can occur in a certain period, and disappear in a certain period; folk sport refers to sports activities closely related to civilian customs, mainly existing in civilian celebrative activities, religious activities and ritual ac-tivities; it is a form of sports culture passed on and continued generation by generation, provided with the character-istics of collectivity, inheritability and mode; national sport is divided into general type and special type; general na-tional sport refers to a special culture that once historically reflected and carried common psychological capacity and culture of a nation and is enjoyed by that nation; Chinese national sport, ancient Grecian sport and ancient Egyptian sport are specific forms of presentation of national sport; special national sport refers to a sports cultural form that is exclusively owned by a nation in modern time, reflects and carries common psychological capacity and culture of that nation, and is created and enjoyed by that nation; traditional sport refers to a stable sports culture that is historically inherited and gradually formed by a nation in practical activities in a long history, embodied in all as-pects of sports cultural activities and passed on generation by generation. Key words: civilian sport;folk sport;national sport;traditional sport |