(1.Physical and Social Science Research Centre,Shenyang Sport University,Shenyang 110102,China;2.Table Tennis Teaching and Research Section,Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: The purpose of the “Wolf Breeding Program” (WBG) worked out by the Table Tennis Association of China is to help table tennis players in other table tennis associations worldwide improve their performances, so as to boost the overall development of table tennis worldwide. In their study the authors put forward the following opinions: establishing a topnotch super league tournament in China is the precondition for the implementation of the WBG; working out a long-effective mechanism to breed “wolf packs” is the foundation stone for the implementa-tion of the WBG; popularizing and promoting table tennis is the soil for the implementation of the WBG; “wolves becoming stronger independently” is the assurance for the realization of the WBG. The four aspects constitute the strategies for the overall development of the WBG. Key words: competition and training;table tennis;“Wolf Breeding Program” |