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杨年松 |
浏览次数 36236
(广东金融学院 金融系,广东 广州 510521) 摘要:运用新制度经济学理论对职业体育人力资本的所有权性质和特点进行了分析,认为不论何种形式的交易,都 改变不了职业体育人力资本所有权的私有性。职业体育人力资本资产专用性程度高,它的使用存在严格的时间规定性,具有自发积累、追求升值和价值贬损的两面性,据此提出了相应的政策性建议。 关键词:职业体育; 人力资本; 资本所有权 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2005)01-0039-03 |
Properties and characteristics of proprietorship of human capital of professional sports and policy-orientated proposals YANG Nian-song |
(Financial Department,Guangdong Financial Institute,Guangzhou 510521,China) Abstract: The author analyzed the properties and characteristics of proprietorship of human capital of professional sports by using new theory of institutional economics,and considered that: trades,no mater in what form,could never change the private nature of proprietorship of human capital of professional sports. The asset of human capital of professional sports is highly exclusive, and its utilization is strictly time limited and provided with dual nature: pursuit of appreciation through spontaneous accumulation and depreciation of value. The author hereby brought forth corresponding policy-orientated proposals. Key words: professional sports; human capital; proprietorship of human capital
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