(1.School of Physical Education,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang 453007,China;2.School of Educational Science,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang 453007,China) Abstract: By using EyeLink1000 eye movement instrument, the authors studied the characteristics of eye move-ment of male college students with different sports performances when they were watching volleyball smash videos, and revealed the following findings: the average gazing time of male students with high sports performance was significantly longer than that of male students with ordinary or low sports performance, and their eye twitching dis-tance was also significantly greater than that of male students with ordinary or low sports performance; the visual searching manner of male students with high sports performance was different from that of male students with ordi-nary or low sports performance: male students with high sports performance had a more scientific visual searching manner; when watching volleyball smash videos, the wideness of vision and the processing of information sources of male students with high sports performance were superior to those of male students with ordinary or low sports performance; when watching simple or complex smash movement scenes, the psychological loads and focusing de-grees of male students with difference sports performances were different. Key words: sports psychology;characteristics of eye movement;smash;male college |