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李静波,樊莲香 |
浏览次数 36122
(中山大学教育学院 体育教育系,广东 广州 510275) 摘要:通过对我国24个省、区、直辖市的48所普通高校体育科研的调查发现:除了少数重点大学、具有体育传统的大学有比较明显的优势外,多数高校体育科研薄弱,科研条件差,学术氛围不佳。制约体育科研的主要因素是科研传统、意识和能力欠缺,体育教师的学历偏低和工作繁重等。建议加强体育师资队伍建设,提高体育教师的科研意识,给学校体育科研以适当的定位,制订学校体育科研的奖励政策等。 关键词:普通高校; 体育科研; 体育教师 中图分类号:G807.4文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2005)01-0078-03 |
Current situation of academic researches on physical education in common colleges and universities in China in the early 21 century LI Jing-bo, FAN Lian-xiang |
(Department of Physical Education,Zhongshan University,Guangzhou 510275,China) Abstract: A survey of physical education in 48 colleges and universities located in 24 different provinces and autonomous regions in China presents an unpleasant picture of the current situation of PE academic research in most colleges and universties In China. The fundamental factors leading to the current situation include the poor conditions for PE academic research,the unhealthy academic atmosphere,the lack of consciousness or ability of PE academic research,and the heavy burden of class education on PE teachers. In spite of the unpleasant picture of the current situation of PE academic research in most colleges and universties In China,some key institutions and institutions with a long PE history take significant advantage in terms of PE academic research in Chinese colleges and universities.The countermeasures aiming to cope with the current unpleasant situation are to enhance the training of PE teaching staff,to improve the teachers’ consciousness of PE academic research,to appropriately evaluate PE academic research,and finally to work out a system of rewards for achievements in PE academic research. Key words: colleges and universities; PE academic research; PE teachers
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