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尹博 |
浏览次数 36122
(中国青年政治学院 体育教学中心,北京 100089) 摘要:就影响大学生体育锻炼习惯形成的教育学因素进行了深入的调查和分析,提出大学生对体育锻炼的兴趣和重要性的认识是养成锻炼习惯的基础,教师是系统影响学生体育锻炼习惯形成的首要因素,必要的学校体育锻炼规章制度是养成锻炼习惯的保证。 关键词:大学生; 体育锻炼习惯; 教育学分析 中图分类号:G807.4文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2005)01-0139-03 |
The factors that affect the formation of physical exercising habit of undergraduates YIN Bo |
(Centre of Physical Teaching,China Youth University For Political Science,Beijing 100089,China) Abstract: The author carried out an in-depth investigation and analysis on the factors that affected the formation of physical exercising habit of undergraduates, and set forth that undergraduates’ recognition of the interest and importance of physical exercises was the foundation to form an exercising habit, and that teachers were the primary factor of affecting the formation of physical exercising habit of undergraduates, and that necessary regulations and systems were the assurance of the formation of an exercising habit. Key words: undergraduates; physical exercising habit; analysis of pedagogy
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