(Department of Physical Education,Xianyang Normal Institute,Xianyang 712000,China) Abstract: The author performed a comprehensive analysis on the information regarding 180 Chinese students ma-joring in physical education abroad between 1903 and 1963, and concluded that the roles played by Chinese stu-dents majoring in physical education abroad in the course of sport development in China mainly embodied in 3 as-pects: their functions in the material aspect were mainly to introduce sports events, to establish playgrounds and fa-cilities, and to develop sports technologies; their functions in the system aspect mainly embodied in boosting the development of physical education systems, sports competition systems and scientific research systems; their activi-ties in the ideology aspect mainly included spreading ideas about military and civilian sports and ideas about natural sports, advocating ideas about national sports, participating in discussing and debating ideas about physical educa-tion, etc. Chinese students majoring physical education abroad were the pioneers in the course of development of sports modernization in China. Key words: sport history;Chinese student majoring physical education abroad;physical education system;idea about physical education;sport development in China |