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陈琦,杨文轩,胡小明 |
浏览次数 36428
(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510631) 摘要:基于党的十六大报告所提出的全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标,总结了进入小康社会以来我国体育发展的基本特征。在此基础上,对全面建设小康社会体育的发展前景进行了分析,认为全面建设小康社会的体育在发展战略上要以人为本,走绿色体育之路;在发展目标上,满足人民群众日益增长的个性化和多样化体育需求;在发展模式上实现从局部赶超型向全面发展型转变。 关键词:小康社会体育; 大众体育; 竞技运动; 体育产业; 体育法制 |
Research on primary characters and tendency of sports development in well-off society CHEN Qi, YANG Wen-xuan, HU Xiao-ming, LU Chang-fen, FENG Xia, LIAO Nian-zhong, LIN Cui-juan |
(College of Physical Education, South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China) Abstract: On the base of grandiose goal of well-off society in all-round way,which has been put forward in the Sixteenth Congress of Chinese Communist,we summarize primary characters of sports development in China since our entrance into well-off society,analyze the tendency of sports development in well-off society in all-round way.and think that developmental stratagem of sports,in society in all-round way,should follow the principal of people as a center,and take the road of green sports;developmental goal should meet increasing individual and diverse sports needs of commonalty;developmental model should transform part-overtaking model into full-developmental model. Key words: sports in well-off society; popular sports; competitive sports; sports industry; sports legal system |
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