(School of Physical Eduction,Nanning Normal University,Nanning 530000,China) Abstract: The author analyzed the performance of the offense and defense capacities of Chinese women handball team in the Guangzhou Asian Games in terms of shoot success rate, offense success rate, shoots at different dis-tances and shoot assists, and revealed the following findings: the offense and defense capacities of team China im-proved a lot as compared with its performance in the previous Doha Asian Game; its performance data such as shoot success rate etc were superior to those of other opponents, only next to those of team Korea; when defending, teach China focused on teamwork, making a lot of offense assists; outfield and infield players were tall, but poor in term of the ability to apply techniques in contesting, so so in terms of offense capacity; in terms of the number of quick offenses and the percentage of quick offense score to total score, team China was far behind such opponents as team Korea. Team China should see its advantages and disadvantages in its offense and defense capacities, utilize its ad-vantages and improve its disadvantages, thus work out action specific training plans. Key words: competition and training;offense capacity;Chinese women handball team;Guangzhou Asian Games |