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侯广斌,李儒新,李群英 |
浏览次数 35989
(湘南学院 体育系,湖南 郴州 423000) 摘要:以湖南、广东两省各级各类医院的医务工作者为研究对象,研究其体育锻炼的特征,结果显示:医务工作者体育锻炼情况与其对体育认知度、文化层次、知识结构、收入水平等明显背离,体育人口比例仅为12.5%;他们在主观上更多的将不能坚持体育锻炼归因于精神压力大、累、工作忙等因素;客观上不规律的作息,场地、器材的短缺使他们的体育锻炼难以形成动力定型;他们更多的将食补、睡眠作为消除疲劳、促进健康的主要手段。 关键词:医务工作者; 体育锻炼; 动力定型; 余暇时间; 身心状态 |
A sociological analysis of the characteristics of physical exercises performed by medical professionals HOU Guan-bin, LI Ru-xin, LI Qun-ying, FENG Ming-li |
(Department of Physical Education,Xiangnan Institute,Chenzhou 423000,China) Abstract: Basing their research object on medical professionals in hospitals in all classes and at all levels in Hunan and Guangdong provinces, the authors studied the characteristics of physical exercises performed by their research object.The results revealed that the situation of medical professionals in performing physical exercises deviated obviously from their level of recognition of physical exercise,educational background, knowledge structure,income level and the like,and that only 12.5% of them performed physical exercises regularly. Subjectively these medical professionals were more prone to attribute their failure to maintain regular physical exercises to such factors as tremendous mental pressure,tiredness and heavy workload,and objectively irregular schedule of work & rest and the lack of exercise ground & facility made it difficult for them to form a motive specific physical exercise pattern, while they were more prone to take invigorator and sleeping instead of physical exercises as major means to recover from fatigue and boost their health. Key words: medical professionals; physical exercises; motive specific; spare time; physical and mental statuses |
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