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孙喜和,胡谊 |
浏览次数 36113
(1.广岛大学大学院 教育学研究科,广岛 7320062; 2.大连理工大学 体育教学部,辽宁 大连 116023) 摘要:针对国内体育研究者对日本现行“学校体育指导要领”中“生きる力”体育理念的不同认识,从日本的行政文件资料和体育学者对它的认识着手,分析了它出现的背景、出处、概念及意义,在得出它的真正含义应该是“生存、生活能力”的同时,对它进行了客观的定义。 关键词:生きる力; 生存、生活能力; 体育理念; 学校体育指导要领; 日本 |
The meaning of “Ikirutikara”-the analysis of “Essentials of Instruction for Physical Education in School” currently implemented in Japan SUN Xi-he1, HU Yi2 |
(1.Education Institute,Hiroshima University,Hiroshima 7320062,Japan;2.Department of Physical Education,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116023,China) Abstract: Aiming at the different understandings by physical education scholars in China on the meaning of physical education conception of “Ikirutikara” mentioned in the “Essentials of Instruction for Physical Education in School” currently implemented in Japan, the author analyzed its background of occurrence,origin,concept and meaning on the basis of research on Japanese administrative documents and the opinions of physical education scholars on this concept, and gave an objective definition to this concept after having concluded that its true meaning should be “the ability to survive or live”. Key words: Ikirutikara; the ability to survive or live; physical education conception; essentials of instruction for physical education in school |
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