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张鹏,孟祥秀 |
浏览次数 35983
(华侨大学 法学院,福建 泉州 362021) 摘要:电子竞技运动发展速度极为迅速,形成席卷全球的竞技风暴。在中国,电子竞技运动已成为正式开展的第99个体育项目,并日趋职业化。电子竞技运动的特点决定了这一体育项目中未成年选手的培养与其他体育项目存在很大差别,需要予以特别关注,并应从制度层面加以保护,在保障未成年人健康的同时促进电子竞技运动有序、健康的发展。 关键词:电子竞技运动; 未成年选手; 法律规制 |
A study of legal issues existed in the training of underage players for electronic sports game ZHANG Peng, MENG Xiang-iu |
(Law School,Huaqiao University,Quanzhou 362021,China) Abstract: Electronic sports game has been developing at an extremely high speed,forming a sports storm that sweeps over the entire world.In China,electronic sports game has become the 99th sports event formally developed,and is professionalized gradually. However,what should be aware of in the mean time is that the characteristic of electronic sports game has decided that the training of underage players for this sports event is significantly different from the training of players for other sports events,and that special attention is required to protect underage players institutionally,so as to promote the orderly and healthy development of electronic sports game while the healthiness of underage kids is ensured. Key words: electronic sports game; underage player; legal regulations |
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