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李毅钧 |
浏览次数 36165
(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510631) 摘要:通过对2003年11月世界杯女排赛中国队10场比赛技术统计分析,发现中国女排进攻战术特点是以2号位快速多变进攻战术为主,并结合4号位强攻和3号位快攻的技战术打法,得分率高,拦网效果显著。中国女排进攻轮次最强的是第2轮,第3轮和第4轮也较强,第5轮较弱。中国女排后排进攻得分不如世界其他女排强队。 关键词:中国女排; 世界女排; 进攻特点; 轮次 |
Characteristics of attacking tactics employed by Chinese women’s volleyball team and tactics deployment in each inning LI Yi-jun |
(College of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China) Abstract: By analyzing technical statistics of the 10 matches performed by Chinese women’s volleyball in World Cup Women’s Volleyball Game carried out in November 2003, the author discovered that the attacking tactics of Chinese women’s volleyball team was characterized with that the team relied mainly on fast and variable attacking tactics at position No. 2 and combined the use of technique and tactics such as storming at position No. 4 and fast attacking at position No. 3, showing a high scoring rate and a remarkable blocking effect. Chinese women’s volleyball team demonstrated the most powerful attacking in inning 2, relatively powerful attacking in innings 3 and 4, and weaker attacking in inning 5. Chinese women’s volleyball team did not score as well as the world’s top women’s volleyball teams did in back row attacking. Key words: Chinese women’s volleyball team; world women’s volleyball team; characteristics of attacking; inning |
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