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陈武山1,甘清瑛2 |
浏览次数 36470
(广州体育学院 1.泳教研室; 2.书馆,广东 广州 10075) 摘要:通过对目前我国游泳技术训练、力量训练、训练平衡、训练监控和训练分期5个方面存在的问题进行调查研究,结果表明:技术训练和水上力量训练是我国游泳训练的薄弱环节,这一情况实质上反映了我们认识落后;我国对训练平衡问题重视不够,导致训练结构欠合理,影响训练的整体效果;我国游泳训练监控系统比较薄弱,应着重改革训练体制和机制,提高训练监控的科学化程度;能量模式和机能模式是游泳训练小周期划分的两种主要模式,应从提高运动员体能水平,遵循运动员身体机能变化规律,科学地选择和运用两种模式,提高训练效果。 关键词:竞技游泳; 游泳训练; 力量训练; 训练平衡; 训练分期 |
Comparison of athletic swimming trainings at home and abroad CHEN Wu-shan1, GAN Qing-ying2 |
(1.Staff Room of Swimming; 2.Library,Guangzhou Institute of Phsical Education,Guangzhou 510075,China) Abstract:The authors carried out a survey and research on the problems currently existed in the five aspects regarding swimming in our country,namely,technical training, strength training, training balance, training monitoring, and training period. The results revealed the followings: technical training and aquatic strength training are weak links in swimming training in our country, and this circumstance essentially reflects that our knowledge has fallen behind; currently the issue of training balance is not adequately valued in our country,resulting that training structure is not rational enough, which affects overall training effect; currently the monitoring system for swimming training in our country is relatively inadequate, and we should focus on reforming training system and mechanism,and making training monitoring more scientific; energy mode and function mode are two major modes to divide short swimming training period,which should be selected and applied scientifically to enhance training effect on the basis of increasing athlete’s physical stamina level and following the rule of change of athlete’s body functions. Key words: athletic swimming; swimming training; strength training; training balance; training period |
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