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赖天德 |
浏览次数 36407
《中国学校体育》杂志社,北京100084) 摘要:素质教育就是全面贯彻党的教育方针,以提高全民族素质为根本宗旨的教育。素质教育着眼于受教育者和社会长远发展的要求,以面向全体学生全面提高学生基本素质为根本目的。素质教育具有全体性、全面性、基础性、主体性四大特征。学校体育改革要深刻领会素质教育的本质,全面兼顾素质教育的四大特征。 关键词:学校体育; 素质教育; 体育改革 中图分类号:G807.01文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2003)01-0010-04 |
Basic traits of quality education and its elicitation to school PE reforming LAI Tian-de |
(Journal of China School Physical Education, Beijin 100084,China) Abstract:Quality education refers to the education that carries out the Party's educational guideline and the education with the main aim to enhance the whole nation's quality. Its essential intention is to improve the crucial quality of the all students of China according to the demand from the educated and the social long-term evolution. Collectivity, comprehension, basis, and subjectivity are four major traits of the quality education. The essence of the quality education should be grasped during the reforming of the school PE. Key words: school PE; quality education; PE reform |
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