(Department of Physical Education,Hubei Polytechnic University,Huangshi 435000,China) Abstract: By applying surface myoelectricity and high speed photography synchronization technology, coupled with functional anatomy, the authors comparatively analyzed myoelectricity amplitude curves and times as well as myoelectricity parameters in the single foot skating period of curve skating and traction simulated curve skating, and re-vealed the following findings: 1) between the two types of curve skating, the difference in the time used in the single foot skating period was significant, while the difference in the time used in the ice striking period was not significant; 2) be-tween the two types of curve skating, muscle amplitude peak values in the single foot skating period appeared in the ice striking period, and the time phases of movement were consistent as well; the differences in amplitude peak values of the ankle joint muscle group, hamstring muscle group and gluteus maximus in the single right foot skating period were sig-nificant; the difference in the ankle joint muscle group in the single left foot skating period was significant; 3) between the two types of curve skating, the differences in the IEMG of the ankle joint muscle group, hamstring muscle group and glu-teus maximus in the single right foot skating period were significant; the difference in the IEMG of the ankle joint muscle group in the single left foot skating period was significant. The said findings indicated the followings: between the two types of curve skating, due to the difference of instruments used, ankle joint muscle contraction forms and movement modes in the single foot skating period were inconsistent; quadriceps contraction forms and movement modes in the ice striking period of the single foot skating period were consistent; when the right leg ankle joint moved, the mode of coordi-nation between muscles was inconsistent; when the left leg ankle joint moved, the mode of coordination between muscles was consistent; during the practice of traction simulated curve skating, we can stimulate the enhancement of the moving unit gathering performance of muscles by increasing traction power, form adaptability through practice over a long period of time, and then improve the skaters’ ability to accelerate during curve skating. Key words: sports physiology;short distance speed skating;curve skating;traction simulated curving skating;single foot skating period;surface myoelectricity |