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李圣旺 |
浏览次数 36319
(广东商学院 体育部,广东 广州 510320) 摘 要:知识经济是一种以知识创新为基础的新的经济形态,随着知识经济时代的来临,知识和技术必将成为体育产业的主要组成部分。通过对新疆旅游资源和少数民族传统体育的优势分析,论述了知识经济时代对发展边疆地区有特色的体育旅游业的影响和促进边疆的两个文明建设的作用。 关键词:知识经济; 体育旅游; 民族体育 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1006-7116(2003)01-0040-03 |
The effect of knowledge economy on the development of special sport tourism industry LI Shen-wang |
(Department of Physical Education,Guangdong Commercial College,Guangzhou 510320,China) Abstract: Knowledge economy is a new economy form that foundation relys on knowledge discard old,with the knowledge economy time coming,knowledge and technology will become a important part of sport indusery.The article anahyzes the resources of Xinjiang and the advantage of minority sports,discusses how to develop special sport tourism of frontier region in knowledge economy time. Key words: knowledge economy;sport tourism;minority sport |
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