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汪浩 |
浏览次数 36064
(惠州学院 体艺学院,广东 惠州 516015) 摘 要:采用随机抽样,对惠州市幼儿、成年人、老年人2656例进行体质测试。统计的各项指标的平均值,可作为惠州市成年人、老年人、幼儿体质测试和研究的基础值;成年组与1997年测试结果相比,体质状况有所上升,但女子不如男子;农村人群体质低于城市人群,体力劳动不能代替体育锻炼;老年人的体质不合格率高;幼儿组体质状况趋于正常,城市幼儿体质状况好于农村,但农村幼儿的勇敢、胆大的品质优于城市幼儿;有科学指导、经常且有效的体育锻炼才有利于提高身体的全面素质。 关键词:国民; 体质测试; 中国惠州 中图分类号:G804.49 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)01-0056-03 |
Study on 2000 Year's survey of national constitution in Huizhou City WANG Hao |
(College of Physical Education & Art, Huizhou College, Huizhou 516015,China) Abstract: Monitoring is conducted through random sampling, The objects are children、adults、seniors.The effective data 2656 are got. The main results are: The average value was got through the calculation of different indexes, Which can be used as abasic value to study and test the constitution of adults, seniors and children. Comparied with the test result of adults in 1997, people's constitution improved a little, but woment's constitution is inferin to men's(P<0.05).People's constitution in the countryside is inferior to the people's constitution in the city according to the test. Physical labor can't replace exercise. The pass rate of senior's constitution isn't high enough, Children's constitution tends to be normal. Children constitution in the city is better than that in the countryside. But the Children in the countryside are braver than the children in the city. People's health quality can be improved with scientific guidance and more effective and regular exercise. Key words: nation; the monitoring of constitution; Huizhou |
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