(School of Physical Education,Xiangnan University,Chenzhou 423000,China) Abstract: By analyzing the pattern of changing of the number of all sorts of literature whose titles contain “student fitness” and the pattern of changing of the data of Chinese student physical health in the same period, the authors revealed the following findings: the 1980s were the “Golden Decade” for the improvement of Chinese student fit-ness, yet the physical education academic circle failed to summarize experiences in a timely fashion, in this period, the speed of increasing of the number of literature in the “student fitness” category was lower than the average speed of increasing of the number of literature in the “physical education” category; due to inadequate foresight and acuity in scientific research as well as the academic circle’s limited influence on the government’s decision making, the academic circle failed to issue a warning and act accordingly in a timely fashion when the function and endur-ance indexes of teenagers aged 13-14 showed a significant decline significantly in 1995; the fitness of students of the “single child” generation significantly declined first, but the situation was not regarded seriously until they be-came a university student in 2000, which indicates the necessity for elementary and middle school physical educa-tion workers to participate in physical education research and the deficiency of university physical education re-searchers to go deep into the grass roots; although the education circle implemented physical education curriculum reform in 2002, the decline of student fitness accelerated, Physical Education and Health curriculum reform failed to achieve the goal to promote student physical health; the decline of the fitness of “single child” students started to show in 1995, and became comprehensive in 2000, but the trend of declining was not completely contained even in the year 2010, which indicates that “single child” students have become a group of people at the “national fitness in-flection point” since 1982, also questions why birth control policy reform falters. Key words: sports sociology;student fitness;China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database;physical education curriculum reform;academic research;China |