(School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China) Abstract: From the people oriented perspective, the authors reflected on issues currently faced by school physical education in China, and concluded that the essence of school physical education as people oriented is to base the root on students and their comprehensive and sustainable development, people targeted is the nature of school physical education as people oriented, students oriented is the foundation of school physical education as people oriented, students’ comprehensive and sustainable development is the ultimate objective of school physical educa-tion as people oriented. There are the following major issues currently faced by school physical education in China: the phenomenon of dissimilation of campus football generates the crisis of dissimilation of school physical educa-tion objectives; the multi-idea coexisting ideological system of school physical education promotes school physical education as people oriented to become one sided and extreme; the issue of exam oriented education becomes an important reason for the absence of school physical education functions. Key words: school physical education; people oriented;campus football;exam oriented education;China |