(Investigation Department,Hunan Police Academy,Changsha 410016,China) Abstract: Due to the incident of Russian athletes’ large-scale systematic doping, various international sports or-ganizations have imposed punishments to different extents on corresponding sports organizations of Russia, as for the appealing of such punishments, the Court of Arbitration for Sport showed full respect for the autonomy of vari-ous international sports organizations, yet its handling of punishments imposed by the International Paralympic Committee violated the principle of proportionality. In the author’s opinion, when imposing punishments on a sports organization/group due to systematic doping, in terms of the setting of individual competition qualification excep-tion clauses, procedures that are more flexible and more able to effectively assure athletes’ individual rights should be followed, it should be OK as long as the athlete provides sufficient evidence to prove that he/she does not dope. This incident hints that international organizations should give informers adequate right protection, reform punish-ment measures for athlete assistants and teams, perfect the sample pre-analysis procedure quality management sys-tem, and reform the anti-doping organization management system. Key words: sports law;dope;principle of proportionality;anti-doping management system;Russian |