(1.School of Physical Education,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China;2.Shandong University of Sport,Jinan 250102,China;3.Chongqing Education Scientific College,Chongqing 404000,China) Abstract: The authors gained an insight into the status in the whole society, social stratum recognition and orientation of university physical education teachers from the perspective of the subjective self psychological recognition of uni-versity physical education teachers. Based mainly on mailed back questionnaires, the authors investigated physical education teachers at 69 institutions of higher learning, used the English version of SPSS17.0 to carried out a statistical analysis such as percentage, item analysis and factor analysis on the data, and revealed the following findings: from the perspective of occupational reputation, education level and economic income, university physical education teachers belong to a group of people of high social status; most of university physical education teachers considered themselves as the middle or supper stratum (57.2%), which indicates that the social status condition and stratum recognition of university physical education teachers are matched; university physical education teachers determined the stratums they belonged to based on such two factors as job authority and social & economic status. Key words: school physical education;social status;stratum recognition;university physical education teacher |