(1.School of Physical Education,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410006,China;2.School of Physical Education,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou 412007,China) Abstract: Currently Chinese major sports game public safety emergency (hereinafter referred to as emergency) management system is a multiparty emergency social participation system lead by the government, wherein social forces mainly include young volunteers, security companies’ security teams, enterprises’ and institutions’ safety emergency forces, mass groups, civil organizations, and grassroots self-governing organizations. This mechanism has the following main problems: imperfect emergency management system; insufficient emergency professional volunteers, not high volunteer secondary usage rate; weak strength, not high quality and low professional perform-ance of social security; too rich official sense of emergency social organizations, limited spaces for civil organiza-tions to exert their functions; insufficient sports game emergency promotion, the public’s lack of emergency aware-ness and response skills; not strong emergency alleviation awareness, insufficient social professional force partici-pation in lowering personal and property risks. The ways to perfect the Chinese major sports game public safety emergency social mobilization mechanism include the followings: change the conception, perfect the top level sys-tem and system design of major sports game emergency management; vigorously support and cultivate emergency social organizations, promote their credibility and influence; set up specialized emergency promotion education and training departments, enhance social public’s emergency response awareness, master emergency response skills; construct professional security teams suitable for major activities; encourage insurance companies to participate in major sports game emergency management, raise the security level, lower risks. Key words: major sports game;public safety;emergency management;social participation |