(School of Humanities and Arts,Xidian University,Xi’an 710126,China) Abstract: In terms of its essence, the reason why YAN Yuan’s theory has a prominent position in Chinese ideological his-tory is that such a thought as “the body being the basis” decides that it is not the mind’s silent meditation but the body’s ac-tion practice that becomes his ultimate goal of study, which not only means that such a thought as “sports priority” was es-tablished unprecedentedly, but also is the actively recommendation of “martial” spirit advocated by sports. Therefore, YAN Yuan’s thoughts not only represented a relentless attack on the accumulated malpractice of “valuing literature more impor-tant than martial arts” by later Confucianism represented by Confucian school of idealistic philosophy in the Song and Ming dynasties, but also have important significance for us to reconstruct traditional culture today in the new period of history, due to their return to the ancient tradition of “synergy of literature and martial arts” , a thought of traditional Con-fucianism of Duke of ZHOU and Confucius. It shows that just as ZHANG Tai-yan first advocated “Confucianist Chiv-alry”, LIANG Qi-chao explored “Chinese Warrior Spirit” in order to revive our national spirit, the putting forward of such a proposition as “Help Confucianism by Wushu” has its due significance for Neo-Confucianism construction today, and cultural self-improvement and self-confidence spirit construction today. Key words: modern Neo-Confucianism;sports priority;Wushu importance;Help Confucianism by Wushu;YAN Yuan