(1.School of Physical Education and Health,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China;2.School of Physical Education,Southwest Medical University,Luzhou 646000,China) Abstract: Starting with school physical education reform, the authors probed into the reasons for the lack of mascu-linity in teenagers, how to rebuild masculinity and issues to be noted, and concluded the followings: (1) the lack of masculinity in teenagers is the result of joint effects of long term body ignorance by social culture, influence of so-cial environment and birth control policies, and limitations of school physical education practice; (2) for rebuilding masculinity, teenagers should be educated and guided in terms of culture, the cognition of school physical education functions should be changed in terms of ideology, and the contents of physical education in kindergartens, elemen-tary and middle schools and universities should be adjusted and reformed accordingly; (3) in the process of rebuild-ing masculinity, school physical education needs to solve and note such problems as raising the status of school physical education, overcorrection, facing up to safety, family and society cooperation, etc. Key words: school physical education;masculinity;teenagers;masculinity intensification education |