(Guangzhou College of Commerce,Guangzhou 511363,China) Abstract: Froebel, the father of preschool education, grew up in the countryside of Germany in the 17th and 18th centu-ries. His preschool education conception have an extremely profound influence on later generations, especially, his ad-vocacy of game teaching, provides opportunities for children physical activities and contributes tremendously to pre-school children sports. The origin of Froebel’s thoughts came mainly from the influence of the growing environment, such as growing experience, religious life and learning experience, the influence of contemporary educators and phi-losophers, such as Pestalozzi, Fichte and Schelling etc. The connotations of Froebel’s thoughts about preschool children sports focus on games, i.e. sports games are the activities of children’s self expression; sports games imply the cultiva-tion of children’s social abilities, and the view of physical activities of children stage development. Froebel’s contribu-tions to sports are as follows: establishing the status of children physical games in preschool children education; laying the foundation for implementing game teaching in kindergartens; and influencing game field settings in parks. How-ever, his thoughts are full of strong religious elements, i.e. he explained all the behaviors via religion in the end, lacking in scientific bases, which makes his education conception development have certain limitations. Key words: preschool children sports;game conception;view of physical activities;Froebel |