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邢建辉,李凤彦,刘素卿 |
浏览次数 35831
(河北体育学院 体育系,河北 石家庄 050041) 摘要:以Anshel拟制的临场应激评价方式为测量工具,初步测试了中国运动员的临场应激评价方式。结果表明:中国运动员通常将临场应激源评价为挑战和威胁;在不同的临场应激情境下,运动项目、运动水平和性别对他们有不同的影响。 关键词:临场应激;评价方式; 运动员; 中国 中图分类号:G804.87 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)03-0037-03 |
Appraisal style of acute stress in Chinese athletes XING Jian-hui, LI Feng-yan, LIU Su-qing |
(Department of Physical Education,Hebei Institute of Physical Education,Shijiazhuang 050041,China) Abstract: Appraisal style of acute stress in Chinese athletes is tested by Anshel's Appraisal Style Inventory of Acute Stress in athletes.It shows: Chinese athletes always appraise acute stresses as challenge and threaten; appraisal style of acute stress is affected by sports items, sports level and sex in some degree. Key words: acute stress; appraisal style;athetes; China |
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