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杨丽华1,林振寰2 |
浏览次数 36071
(1肇庆学院 体育系,广东 肇庆 526061;2河北张家口大学 体育部,河北 张家口 075000) 摘要:突破以往对健身研究只局限在某一领域的局面,从更广阔的视角探讨健身;提出健身要以健康的理念为依托,树立“三维健身”的观念,把健身从身体活动定位,扩展到以人的发展为终极目标,并纳入人们健康的社会生活行为中;初步构建了包括运动、心理、生活方式在内的健身要素构成的框架,旨在推进健身理论的建设和深入研究,并对人们的健身活动进行原则性的指导。 关键词:健康;三维健身观;健身要素 中图分类号:G806 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)03-0044-03 |
Three-dimension fit-keeping viewpoint and its components YANG Li-hua1, LIN Zheng-han2 |
(1.Department of Physical Education,Zhaoqing Institute, Zhaoqing 526061,China;2.Department of Physical Education,Zhangjiakou University,Zhangjiakou 075000,China) Abstract:The article is a comprehensive study on fit-keeping from a border perspective than that of sport.Its theory is based on healthy ideas and three-dimension fit-keeping viewpoint.The definition of fit-keeping is expanded from body exercise to the objective of human development.Its main components includes such factors as exercise, psychology and style of living.The article aims to further the study and guide people's fit-keeping activity as well. Key words: health; three-dimension fit-keeping viewpoint; fit-keeping components |
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