(School of Physical Education,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410012,China) Abstract: Based on the dual-process models, 3 896 community residents were investigated to explore the effecting process mechanism of community neighborhood social environment (CNSE) on residents’ exercise behavior from the perspective of exercise emotion. The results showed that: CNSE had a significant and positive effect on residents’ physical exercise behavior; harmonious passion had a partial mediating effect on the relationship between CNSE and residents’ physical exercise behavior, but the mediating effect of obsessive passion was not significant; exercise identity had a positive moderating effect between CNSE and residents’ harmonious passion and obsessive passion; CNSE effected residents’ exercise behavior through harmonious passion, rather than obsessive passion, which was moderated by exercise identity that acted as a mediated-moderator. This study expanded the mediating mechanism and boundary conditions of CNSE on residents’ physical exercise behavior, suggesting that while improving the overall CNSE, communities needed to create a positive and active exercise climate to strengthen their exercise identity, thereby enhancing residents’ harmonious passion in order to further promote their participation in physical exercise in daily life. Keywords: community neighborhood social environment;exercise passion;exercise identity;physical exercise behavior;dual-process model