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杨刚,王丹,袁辉明 |
浏览次数 36322
(山东理工大学 体育系,山东 淄博255013) 摘要:采用问卷调查、查阅文献资料、数理统计法,分析研究了运动员平衡木比赛临场的心理状态、自我调节及心理训练方法。良好的情绪状态、排除外界干扰、及时的自我调节、强烈的自信心、教练员及时指导等都是保证运动员具备良好心理状态,正常发挥技术水平,取得优异成绩的重要因素。 关键词:平衡木;心理状态;心理训练;自我调节 中图分类号:G832.7文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2002)02-0109-03
Athlete’s bad mentality and self-adjusting just before performance at the stage of balance beam YANG Gang,WANG Dan,YUAN Hui-ming |
(Department of Physical Education, Shandong Science and Technology University, Zibo 255013, China) Abstract: Using questionnaire, consulting literature dates and statistical of maths and physics,We analyzes the athletes bad mentality ,self-adjusting just before performance at the stage and psychological training of balance beam.This essay points out that the good state of sentiments, removing exoteric molestation, the timely self-adjusting, the strong confidence and the guidance of the coaches are all important factors that a sportsman should possess, for they contribute to How to bring one’s skills into play and make a remarkable achievement. Key words: balance beam ; mentality ; psychological training ; self-adjusting |
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