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季丽萍1,曹志发1,冯照军2,刘天佑3 |
浏览次数 35945
(徐州师范大学1体育学院,2.生物系,江苏 徐州221116;3.徐州市冬泳协会,江苏 徐州221008) 摘要:通过对经常参加冬泳运动的老年人与不经常参加运动的老年人心肺功能的比较,探讨冬泳运动对老年人心肺功能的影响。结果显示,冬泳运动能够提高老年人的心肺功能,增强运动能力。 关键词:冬泳;老年人;心肺功能 中图分类号:G861.171 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)04-0055-02
Effects of winter-outdoors-swimming on the cardiopulmonary functions in old aged men JI Li-ping1, CAO Zhi-fa1, FENG Zhao-jun2, LIU Tian-you3 |
(1.Institute of Physical Education,2.Biology Department, Xuzhou Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, China;3.Xuzhou Winter-Outdoors-Swimming Association,Xuzhou 221008,China) Abstract: This paper deals with the effects of winter-outdoors-swimming on the cardiopulmonary functions by comparing the old aged men of engaging frequently in this exercise with those of engaging infrequently in this exercise. The results showed that the exercise can improve the cardiopulmonary functions and strengthen the exercise ability. Key words: winter-outdoors-swimming; old aged man; cardiopulmonary function |
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