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陆永庆 |
浏览次数 36073
(国际关系学院 体育教研室,浙江 杭州310015) 摘要:从20世纪80年代到21世纪的今天,“知识精英,英年早逝”的现象不但未能缓解,反有愈演愈烈之势,这一现象已经超越了“纯病理学”范畴,具有社会学意义。就中青年知识分子英年早逝的原因剖析,引发对当前高校健康教育的思考,全面实施健康教育是提高高级专业人才身心健康的主要途径之一。 关键词:英年早逝;高校;健康教育 中图分类号:G807.4;G479 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)04-0062-03 |
On relations between the phenomenon of perishing young and the health education in academic schools LU Yong-qing |
(Teaching & Research Department of Physical Education, Interational Relations Institute, Hangzhou 310015,China) Abstract: The phenomenon that the elite of the intellectual perish young has not been alleviated from the nineteen eighties till now.On the contrary, it has been growing from bad to worse.The phenomenon has transcended the field of pure pathology; therefore it is possessed with great social significance. The analysis of the dying young phenomenon shall provoke the profound thinking of the current health education in universities and colleges.It naturally follows that the improvement of mental health mainly lies in the health education to the full extent in every aspect. Key words: perish young;academic schools;health education |
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