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浏览次数 36151
(常德师范学院,湖南 常德 415000) 摘要:排球运动的意义已不再限于体育与游戏的范畴,越来越多地融入到社会文化之中。探讨排球运动社会文化的意义,是要在更高的层次上理解它,认识它,挖掘它对社会、对人的文化价值,使人们在运动实践中潜移默化地受到文化启示和熏陶。 关键词:排球运动;社会文化;文化价值 中图分类号: G842-05文献标识码: A文章编号:1006-7116(2001)01-0039-03 |
Brief discussion on society culture significance in volley ball event GONG De-gui |
(Changde Normal College,Changde 415000,China) Abstract:The significance of Volley ball event not only confines within play a game,but also endowed with society culture significance more and more. The purpose to investigate the society culture significance in Volley ball event is to understand its concept deeply, and excavate its value for society, its culture significance for people's developing. Key words:Volley ball event;society culture;culture value |
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