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浏览次数 36355
(嘉兴学院 体育部,浙江 嘉兴 314001) 摘要:在学校体育工作中,将体育保健理论知识与祖国传统医学有机结合,经长期的探索和实践,摸索出一套行之有效的防治方法。特别是对闭合软组织损伤,从诊断到治疗的急性处理,活血化淤,消肿止痛,功能锻炼等方面,方法独特,疗效显著。 关键词:运动性;闭合软组织;损伤;防治 中图分类号: R873文献标识码:A文章编号: 1006-7116(2001)01-0058-03 |
The prevention and cure of athletic closed soft tissue damage GAO Jun |
(Jia Xing Institute,Jiaxing 314001,China) Abstract:Athletic closed soft tissue damage is a freguently occured phenonsenon anwony students' physical exercises. During my physical education at schools, I have found a series of effective prevention and cure method with the combination of physical health care the retical knowledge and chinese Jraditional Medicical science under a long time practive. Especially the emergent treatment of dosed soft tisswe damage is special and strikimg. Key words:athletil; closed sof jissue; damage prevention and cure; physical education teacher; health care ability |
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